Saturday, April 2, 2022

What Does It Mean to Be Trained?

 The Boy Scouts of America has always encouraged training for both youth and adult leaders. But exactly what does it mean to be 'trained'?  How do you know if you are trained in your current position?

In order to be fully trained you will have taken all the training in-person or online that are necessary for your scout position. If you were trained in your scout position before 2017 it is highly recommended you retake the trainings. Many changes have taken place and it is best to refresh your mind in the programs of scouting.

Here is a guide to see if you can count yourself as being trained.

  1. You have taken the Youth Protection Training before you registered as a scout leader in scouting.
    1. You then update this training every two years.
  2. You login on to and look at Leader Specific for your area of scouting. 
    1. When you click on the menu, a drop-down menu appears. 
    2. Click on Training. 
    3. In this area you will see three areas:
      1. YPT & Training Center
      2. Required for your Scouting position
      3. Completed

Let’s investigate each of these:

YPT & Training Center: Your title of your position will help you know which training you will need. For example, if you are a Cubmaster or Scoutmaster, you will click on Cub Scouts or Boy Scouts, click on the training that pertains to your position. You will see what has been completed and what percentage is still to be completed. You will be done when you have completed all the modules in the section called 'Required for your Position'. Cubmasters and Scoutmasters need additional Outdoor trainings called Baloo, for Cub Masters, and Introduction to Outdoor Skills for Scoutmasters. Outdoor trainings are to be done in person. The Council offers a couple trainings during each calendar year.

Required for your Position: This section is where you see all the modules that will fully complete your training. Each one will be 4–15 minutes long to give you an understanding of your scout position. The more titles you have the longer the list. Most of these trainings only need to be taken once. If you pace yourself, a few modules every week will help you be fully trained in a few months.

This area will list all the trainings you have completed and when they will need to be renewed.

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