Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Have you ever wondered where to find great websites to help you in your Scouting position? Scouting websites can be a way you can always be learning how to make your programs better after you have taken Scouting Leader Specific Training.

You might have questions about how others help the scouts with Merit Badges, how can I help scouts with disabilities, what makes a fun pack meeting, how can I better prepare my scouts to be leaders in our troop, new places to camp, ways to motivate your scouts in their advancement or even ideas to help your scouts find an exciting Eagle Scout project. We want to give you a few websites that are excellent help in supporting your efforts in the scouting program.
We will start with the closest, your Old Ephraim Newsletter! Do you take time to read what is happening locally? In our District newsletter you will find information that will support you in helping your scouts. There are programs that are close to home that will help scouts in earning Merit Badges, we just had one this last month! A calendar is mapped out so that you plan your activities and support district pack and troop events.

If you are a little more adventurous look at the Crossroads of the West website. (www.utahscouts.org) Our council covers the entire state of UT, some of Idaho and a little bit of Wyoming. Activities are planned throughout the year for scouts and their leaders. You will find a wide range of activities you can support on a council level.

Aaron on Scouting (blog.scoutmagazine.org) is a newsletter you can sign up to receive or look up online. It comes a few times a month. There are excellent articles about scouts throughout the nation including great stories you can share and use to motivate your scouts in their planning and making your programs even better. You will find outstanding Eagle Scout projects that can give your scouts ideas in finding the right project for them. There are updates with scouting advancement that will be helpful in having the most up-to-date information. The latest newsletter wrote about being safe when in the water and the importance of wearing a life jacket whether you are a scout or an adult.

Another newsletter is Scouting Wire. (scoutingwire.org) This past newsletter contained an article about youth taking the next step with NYLT. This would be a great way to excite your scouts about being trained and becoming better leaders in your troop.

Are you involved in Order of the Arrow? Websites are available on the local (utahoa.org) as well as the national level (oa-bsa.org). These sites educate you on what OA is, giving you a calendar of when events are held and how you can be part of this excellent organization.

We hope these sites and newsletters are helpful and keep the excitement going in your scouting efforts!


Monday, June 12, 2023

Eagle Scout Board of Review reminder

We wanted to remind our Troop leaders of when Eagle Scout Board of Reviews are held and how their scouts are to prepare for them. Sometimes scouts think that giving us their Eagle Scout service workbook is the only document needed to hold their Eagle Scout Board of Review. 

The Eagle Scout service workbook is one of four documents that are needed. As we receive these documents, we send email updates to the scout and their unit leaders. The following documents are needed in order t0 schedule a scout’s ESBOR.

  1. Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook completely filled in including the signatures of completion by the scout, the beneficiary, and Unit Leader.
  2.  Four to five letters of recommendation for the scout to become an Eagle Scout. (These are mailed directly to the Eagle Scout Coordinator NOT to the Scout or unit leader
  3. A statement of ambitions and goals of the scout.
  4. An Eagle Scout Application that has been signed by the Ogden Scout Office, verifying that all requirements have been completed.
Our District holds Eagle Scout Boards of Review twice a month, on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday. We can have up to three scouts in an evening. Because we cover a large area, we would like to arrange to have at least 2 scouts come for their boards. If that is not possible because of the time commitment of the family members etc. we will hold an Eagle Scout Board of Review for one scout.

We hope you find this helpful as you work with your scouts in preparing for and having this important Board of Review.