Monday, May 30, 2022

Who Needs Training?


All leaders who work directly with youth, as well as all leaders in the service area, should be trained. Identify those leaders who serve in your unit who have not completed training. Encourage them to start training with the on-line modules in their My.Scouting account.

Promote Training to your Unit Leaders

One of the best ways to promote training to your unit leaders is at your monthly committee meetings. As a Committee Chairman or the Training Chair, if you have one, may take turns in giving a Training minute. The information during this training minute can help them understand the need for them to be trained. It can be something these leaders have learned from training or even a story of how training helped when working with the youth you are serving. Training can also help you to develop new skills and keep learning alive and fresh to improve the scouting program. There is always something to learn to keep the leaders up to date and make Scouting an exciting place to be.